Today was an absolute gorgeous, seemingly Spring day here in the mountains. I think I am ready for constant warm weather and hopefully lots and lots of gardening. One big thing I get to look forward to, are the farmers markets starting back up next month. Yay! Today I took my little girl out to lunch at a very very girly Tea Room. We got all dressed up and headed down to Chelsea's Tea Room. As we drove out of our neighborhood, we noticed that spring seems to be starting up all around us. Trees are blossoming and I even saw quite a few flowers popping up through the ground.

When we arrived at our lunch destination, spring was also in full bloom there. The tables were adorned with floral tablecloths, flower arrangements on every table, pictures of flowers on the walls, pastel chandeliers, floral painted tea pots, and waitresses with floral skirts. It was really quite lovely and so nice for a mama and little girl to have some true girly time. We had some conversations about how life is for us at the moment and ate some wonderful food. I had a black bean burger topped with guacamole and a side of fruit. Ashleigh had a ceasar salad topped with salmon. We only ate a bit of our food, so we could save some room for dessert. Ashleigh had a chocolate cake and I got some trifle. It was all so delicious and filling.

The boys were very happy to eat our leftovers when we got home. After everyone was filled up, we headed over to the garden center to drool over new plants and to dream about our future garden plans. We went to the park with the dog and let the kids play in the playground while we loaded up on our Vitamin D. After dropping the dog off at home, we visited the book store to enjoy delicious drinks and wonderful books. When we got home, it was time for dinner and a kid movie. I got to catch up with an old friend over the phone and drink some lovely vino, referred to by friends as "adult gingerale". This was exactly the sort of day I needed after a draining work week. I hope all of you enjoyed a lovely Saturday as well.
Peace, Yasmin