Hi folks, here we are three weeks later and I have completed my first semester of being back in school. I ended up with 2 A's and 2 B's, which I am very proud of all things considered. It has been an extremely hectic month since the end of Spring Break when I was in serene Ohio. I have been working like crazy while going to school and taking care of la familia. The house needs a deep cleaning, which I have decided to tackle slowly but surely instead of all in one day. Yes I think that is a good plan, because these days the weather is decent enough to go hiking or do some lawn work or exercise. Right now I am trying to refocus my priorities to health via exercising and crafting. Crafting is good for stress, you know. Things are moving right along in life, I am back to crafting again, the kids have less than a month until they are out of school, my hubby is off for the summer, my mom will be starting a new job next Monday, and everything around me is turning green and gorgeous. All the green makes me want to have some green yarn. These past three weeks we have been enjoying very yummy dinners...making a menu for the week really helps with the "what to do for dinner" dilemma and also for the shopping list and budget. The kids have been acting silly a lot, I think the warmth and sun is giving them extra energy these days. We have been enjoying sun tea whenever possible and I also baked, tonight in fact. I made bread for the kid's school lunches, vegan chocolate chip banana bread, and vegan lemony blueberry muffins. Enjoy the pictures and I should hopefully be posting a lot more now that I will be taking one class rather than four.
Peace, Yasmin
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