Greetings friends. It has been a bit since I have visited this here blogland. Life is busy, in fact I should probably be concentrating on school work and making some bread for the kids' school lunches right now. Instead I am enjoying a very large glass of Moscato wine and thinking about this post. I have said this before many many times, but incase you haven't heard this before...I love, love, love to cook. I sometimes go back and forth on my decision of changing my career, but then I think about all of the crazy hours that I work and the lack of family life that I would have if I kept on this path. So I think a career change is the wise choice and who knows, maybe I will come back to a career centered around cooking later on in life. I watched a documentary last night called "Jiro Dreams of Sushi". Jiro talks about choosing his career at a young age and dedicating his life to this one career. If you dedicate your life to one thing, you are bound to become excellent at this one thing. That is exactly what he has done by being a sushi chef for life. He has become the oldest chef to get three michelin stars for his sushi only, 10 seat restaurant in Tokyo. Now that is impressive. That is dedication. What is it that makes some people strive for perfection while others just don't give a crap? My employees can't believe how much I cook from scratch at home. I tell them I do it, because I love it, but I love my family more than spending 14 to 16 hour days cooking at a high-end restaurant for it to become my career. So anyway, you may be wondering what I'm cooking now. A whole lot my friends a whole heck of a lot.

Cooking great food begins with great ingredients. Here are some heirloom tomatoes, kabocha squash, and a yellow watermelon being enjoyed by my son, Rian.
Split Pea soup and some store bought foccacia, Eggplant Caponata, and some pasta tossed with sauteed onions, broccoli, and some home made basil pesto.
If you feel compelled to share what you are cooking, please leave a link to your blog in the comments. I also have some fun news...I won something. I never win anything. I won a homemade Ethiopian Basket through another blog "Far from Harm Farm". She is a Scottish mom, who lives in the US and has an adopted Ethiopian child, please visit her blog for crafty inspiration.
Life is good, life is really good.
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