Hello everyone, oh a whole lot has happened in the two weeks since my last post. Life has taken an unexpected turn...not necessarily for the bad though. For the past year I have being going back and forth with liking my job and really really not liking it. I have been feeling like a prisoner to this job, because of the not so great job market and the financial stability it was providing. The biggest thing is though that I have had an incredible amount of stress from this position. So much so, that in the past year I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured, Shingles, and just lots of sickness and pain. The ovarian cyst and Shingles were a first for me...stress really is a killer. A little over a year ago, I had also decided to go back to school and pursue a degree geared towards the medical field. I am looking for a job/career that will give me the freedom to enjoy the piece of land we hope to have one day, financial stability, and a much improved work life balance for my family and my sake. So truth be told, I had in my mind been resolved to leave this job for quite some time. I just had not planned for my exit from this job to work out the way it did. There was a lot of bending the rules and not playing it by the book for the way it went down. If you know me, you would know that I am a very honest (sometimes too bluntly so) and I like to do everything by the book when it comes to work. I think that is the only way that you can truly treat everyone fairly and equally. So, three days later I am still a bit astonished at what happened and don't worry, I have a meeting with the head of HR tomorrow, so that this never happens to anyone else again. I am excited about the future possibilities and grateful for the push that I needed. I am especially grateful for not feeling like a prisoner anymore and for the great relief of stress that I feel. Even my knitting ladies commented on how I looked so much less stressful yesterday. I know life is not going to be easy and there is the scary notion that I do need to find a job and oh of course the health insurance thing, but there is something magical about working a job that you don't have to stress or think about when you are completed with your shift. I try not to concentrate on the negative and I look forward to the positive. Speaking of positive, I have had time to cook and bake, read, and finish knitting projects. Life is good.

So I needed someone to model this hat (beanie) that I finished this morning, but everyone is at school or at work, so here it is on me. This is a present for someone, I hope he likes it. He has been asking for a hat for a while and he actually picked this one out of a book, I am just not sure if he is going to like it in this color. I like it quite a bit though...maybe I need to get some oatmeal colored yarn to make another one for him. Yes, yes I may do that. I am reading Gypsy Boy at the moment, it is a very blunt account of Mikey Walsh's life growing up in the Secret World of the Romany Gypsies. I like it so far. And here is what I am cooking right now.
Banana Walnut Bran Muffins, Lemon Blueberry Cake, Rice Noodle Soup with lots of veggies, Apple pie & Apple Crumble, and for dinner last night...Vegetarian Meatball and Pasta Soup. It's all about soup these days with the cold weather we have been having. So what are you all cooking, crafting, or reading?
Peace, Yasmin