We woke up to snow again. They cancelled all schools in the area, except for my school that decided to do a delayed start. Thankfully one of my teachers cancelled class and the other one gave us the option to make up today on Friday or Monday, so I took the day off with the kids. It was nice to be inside on this frigid day, although we did venture out in the afternoon for bootcamp fitness/gym. I think the kids were happy for a break from their cooped up state. I started out the morning with a yummy scrambled egg white + veggies & salsa breakfast in bed with delicious coffee. Yummm. Rian has had a wiggly tooth for a while now, so I decided to take a picture of his wiggly bottom tooth smile. This is his first real loose tooth. The top tooth that is gone was a dead tooth from an accident that was removed by the dentist, so this is really exciting for him. So we got to bootcamp fitness and lo and behold, at the end of the session Rian came over and showed me his formerly loose tooth in his palm. I was super lucky to have taken that before picture and now there is an after picture as well. He is so stinkin cute. I decided to make an easy dinner of salad and pizza...to make it even easier I bought ready to go pizza crust as I had limited time due to homework deadlines. I made one with mixed wild mushrooms, spinach, feta, and mozzarella. The other one is a ricotta base with spinach sauteed in garlic and feta sprinkled on top. That little boy with one less tooth ate more pizza than me...oh those growing kids. Sometimes it is hard to keep those kids filled up, it seems that they are always hungry...I mean really always. A bit crazy, but I understand that they are growing kids and its not such a bad thing for there to be less portions for me anyway. So that was our day and I am completely and utterly exhausted. I may have overdone it a bit with the exercise today...after my bootcamp workout, which was extremely tiring today, I took my exercise high self over to my gym and ran / walked a bit over 2 miles. Yep exhausted, and on that note I think I will go wind down with a bit of knitting and my guilty pleasure of watching tween movies like Twilight...don't judge.
Good night, Yasmin
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