Today is officially the last day of summer and it basically has been raining since we woke up this morning around 7am. Hasn't stopped for a minute and has been seriously gloomy. The perfect weather for snuggly clothes and hot tea, but we had plans for today, big plans of the apple picking variety. So after a slower start than anticipated this morning we headed on over to Sky Top Orchard for our apple picking needs. We have been going to Sky Top Orchard since we moved here and it has really turned into a yearly tradition of ours. This year we hope to go a few times, rather than just one massive apple picking trip...some of you may remember that we picked around 60 pounds of apples last year. Needless to say, it was a challenge to work through all of those apples in a reasonable time frame. This year we are picking around a 1/2 bushel at a time, which will hopefully be a whole lot more manageable, as long as I can find the time to process them. I have many requests for apple pie, German apple cake, apple cobbler, and applesauce. I hope to fulfill all of these requests, because there really isn't much that is more satisfying then the faces of my loved ones in a blissful state resulting from the food that I make them. So yes, I do believe we will take another trip and hopefully the next time the views will be clear and the sun will be shining.

Incredibly frightening spider, but it is hard not to appreciate the beauty.
This old goat stood still for me to take a picture this foggy morning.
In the midst of Galas.
See mom, it's fun to climb and swing from trees.
Granny Smiths.
Here Momma, a special apple just for you. Who can say no to that face.
Some cool rustic décor.
Extremely rainy soccer game after apple picking. We all got so soaked, even with umbrellas. After the game I gathered up my family and headed to the comfort of home, dry clothes, and some hot tea. And now I am off to a little get together with friends to listen to some bluegrass and drink some brews, but before I head on out, I wanted to mention a giveaway that a fellow blogger is having this weekend. Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots is having a major giveaway with prizes from their etsy shop. They are a cute family living in the mountains of Oregon living off their land and the sales of their homemade goods in their two etsy shops. Please head on over to their blog to enter the giveaway. Here is the link: .
Well I'm off to party. Peace, Yasmin
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