

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Break 2014 (Part 2)

This post is all about Harpers Ferry. Harpers Ferry is a bit touristy, but how can you not love a town full of hiking, outdoor activity, old houses, quaint shops, and the AT headquarters. I hope to one day hike bits and pieces of the AT, so the fact that it is a trail town was especially exciting for me. This town really feels like it is set in another time. We had great 60+ degree sunny weather on this particular day...really one of those perfect days for being outdoors.

Train tracks through the mountain, right by town.

The mighty Potomac river.

J giving me the "you better not be taking my picture" look.

Easy, breezy, beautiful.

Pap pap and Rian.

Snapping turtle.

Crossing the Potomac.

Harpers Ferry.

Lots of cool stories in this place and a really cool topographic map of the entire AT.
I am ready to revisit northern WV when the weather warms up a bit. For now...back to reality.
Peace, Yasmin

Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring Break Part 1

We just finished Spring break for the college that the hubby and I attend and since we are unable to skip classes during the kids' break coming up at the beginning of April, we decided to take the kids out of school for a day and a half and visit my father in-law up in WV. We haven't been up to visit in quite some time, so it was a nice use of our break. Lots of pictures so I am going to break the post up in to two. Part 1 includes a visit to a yummy Mexican restaurant for a late lunch our first full day there and a visit to Shepherdstown, WV on day 2.

Mmmmm yummy Mexican food. Really good totally vegetarian Huevos Rancheros for me.

Checking out the chicks at Tractor Supply. Rian begged to take some of these Araucania beauties home.

Delicious Homestead Creamery vanilla ice cream. We need to start carrying their ice cream here in Asheville.

Strawberry for my other munchkin.

Hot Tea on a frigid day in Shepherdstown. My son and his lovely adult tooth.

Shepherdstown, WV. Love this town. If only jobs were abundant...

Pap pap and Rian.

The public library in Shepherdstown.

Relaxing with the pup at the end of a day full of walking in not so ideal weather.
Come back tomorrow for part 2.
Peace, Yasmin

Friday, March 14, 2014


This post will be full of pictures, be forewarned. On Saturday we went to the Arboretum for their dinosaur display and for a little bit of hiking. It is still early in the season, so not much blooms out yet. I was contemplating on getting an annual pass and when I saw that they had a student option and it was just double of what we were paying, I decided to go ahead and get one. Now we can go visit whenever and enjoy the trails and the blooms.

Cool dinosaur exhibit for the kids to enjoy...they especially liked the fossil digging display.

Living roof.

Ashleigh learning about taking care of bonsai.

Love that quote.

These little guys were everywhere.

Yay, blooms!

First time this year wearing sandals...excuse the unkempt feet.

Primitive shelter.

Do you see the huge bean pods in the tree?
We enjoyed almost seventy degree weather that day and we are back to winter weather today. I am really looking forward to the days that the weather is consistently above 60.
Peace, Yasmin