

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Shananigans

No I have not dropped off the face of this earth. Work has taken over my life for the past two weeks. I have literally been working 12+ hours a day 6 days a week. We went from wing hell to mashed potato madness...coupons. This past Friday, I worked from 8:30am until 10:30pm, and that is when I decided enough is enough. Yesterday was a very busy day at work, but sometimes you just have to leave at the end of your shifts, or 30 minutes after your scheduled shift in my case. There has to be some kind of work/life balance and promises were made to little ones and so I headed home somewhat at a decent time to get to work on Valentine's stuff. Chocolate covered strawberries, homemade cards, oh my.

 Chocolate covered strawberries were wonderful and enjoyed by everyone, even the sick little man, sorry about the red eyes...couldn't get rid of those for some reason. Ashleigh and I got plain cardstock and watercolored the outside of each one for a unique touch. We decided to get handy with stamps on the inside. Fun Fun.

 Rian decided to participate and painted two cards as well for his teachers. He says it is a dragon spitting fire...can you see it? I love that imaginative boy of mine.

For dinner I made potato scallion cakes and kale sauteed in evoo, garlic, and ginger. Yummy. By this time, Rian was already zonked out from a tiring cold. Today we are just chilling at home until daddy comes home, so that mommy can go to work. Not sure what's going on with Rian, but I have a feeling he is going to feel much better tomorrow. Something about sunshine and warm weather makes everyone feel a whole lot better. For those people that I have not kept in touch with (ahem, Alison!), I do promise that I will call soon.

I hope everyone has a loving valentine's day today.
Peace, Yasmin

1 comment:

  1. Their cards are so cute! "Owl be your friend"! =D Give the kids lots of kisses for me!
